Mission Statement
H.U.M.B.O. HEARTS mission is to unite the community to give them the opportunity to be in service to the less fortunate, disabled, and senior citizens. We believe by prayer, meditation, and faith, along with the help of the community, we can give a spark of hope to the downhearted.

What does H.U.M.B.O. stand for?

No matter what struggle you are experiencing, there is always hope! We was lost and found hope and want to share it with the community. Hope is the key that unlocks the door of discouragement.

As a team we can accomplish anything. Many hands make for light work. Strength in numbers. One family.

The power of prayer. Finding serine moments to release stress, anger, and anxiety to a higher power. Being there to give love and positive thoughts for healing.

"We will succeed if we all believe.” “Believe and you will achieve.” Our faith in God will always be our foundation.

We provide opportunity to serve, contribute, or support the community. Opening doors to get involved. Giving people a chance to grow.
When you join the H.U.M.BO Hearts Ohana, you reach the people that need it. With the membership dues help support H.U.M.B.O Hearts mission, build a community with the desire to serve those most in need by providing the necessary opportunities and tools.